Church of Espírito Santo in Vila Seca

Vila Seca church dates back to 1695. Its interior is lush beauty, especially the gilded wood altarpiece, encrypted in continuous foliage. The tabernacle and the Solomonic columns, adorned with plant motifs. The campanile or bell tower of granite ashlar is separated from the body of the church, of which there are few examples of the eighteenth century in the country, still with the characteristic of having been built between the colonnade instead of the rearward of the templ


Location: Armamar

Restaurante Bom Garfo

Space located in the village of Armamar. Barbecued food is served  as take-away.
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Pastelaria Fundação

Pastelaria Fundação

Bakery and pastry made on the premises.Speciality: “Bolinhos de Maçã”
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