Iron Mines of the Roboredo

Torre de Moncorvo
One of the images of excellence in the municipality of Torre de Moncorvo is to be owner of the largest deposits of iron in the country and one of the largest in Europe. The mountain of the Roboredo and adjacent lands has an estimated 600 million tonnes of ore, which has been exploited since the Roman period. There are ongoing plans for the reactivation of the mining. Make sure to visit the galleries Cabeço da Mua platforms and the disassemble platforms in Carvalhosa.

Location: Torre de Moncorvo
Casa Dona Maria Luiza

Casa Dona Maria Luiza

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Parque de autocaravanas (Park of Motorhomes)

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Restaurante “O Manel” - Carviçais

Restaurante “O Manel” - Carviçais

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Restaurante "O Artur" - Carviçais

Restaurante "O Artur" - Carviçais

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