Manor House Museum of Soledade Malvar

Vila Nova de Famalicão
Maria da Soledade Ramos Osorio was born Malvar 19th August 1909, in Quinta da Portela, parish of Antas, municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão.

Since her childhood, Malvar Soledad dreamed of being an artist - even though she went for singing lessons, but it was the art of the antiques that fulfilled her personal and professional achievement. Being in love with this art, she found the opportunity to realize her aspirations.

The cultural and rich professional experience allied to social life, but especially to the devotion of art and reading, enabled her not only selecting with passion, but also with wisdom and precision a collection of art, rich, original and diversified, where the jewellery in gold and silver, faience and painting, cohabit in perfect harmony with the furniture of the 18th and 19th centuries, and the sacred art, where an image of the 16th century outstands.

The Casa-Museu Soledade Malvar also has a gallery to host temporary exhibitions.

The Museum can be visited:
On Tuesday to Friday from - 10:00 am until 1:00 pm  and then from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
On the 1st weekend of each month from - 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

The entrance is free.

Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão
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