Churrasqueira Central da Calçada ( Barbecue)

Description / Facilities
"The Municipality of Penafiel has ancestral references in food and wine products. Ever since the middle Ages  was consumed food that even today are part of the traditional cuisine of Penafiel, that is, the lamprey, the shad, are categorical examples.
In Penafiel, the most typical dishes are the lamb or the roast lamb with oven rice, the stew, the fried or pickled shad, and the lamprey, “Bordaleza” lamprey or “Entre-os-Rios” rice lamprey, all well accompanied with the excellent local red wine. In desserts, it is the candy of the fair that is the most consumed, especially the love cakes, the sponge cake, bread, the ring-shaped pastry. The originality of Penafiel desserts is, however, well represented by the dry soup and the pies of S. Martinho, much appreciated by visitors and tourists, being the unique pies of this county. Come and feel Penafiel and its flavours. "
Address: Lugar de Bodelos Oldrões - Penafiel
Phone: 255615543

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