Turismo Castelo de Gouveia

Marco de Canaveses
Description / Facilities

Tourism Gouveia Castle is located in Várzea de Ovelha e Aliviada, in Marco de Canaveses, district of Porto, Portugal. It is a rustic establishment completely renovated and rebuilt keeping the lines of the roots and the culture that surrounds it.

Parish home of Carmen Miranda, the "Bombshell". The house where he was born and lived until leaving for Brazil, still exists and retains the bed where the singer was born.

It has 10 accommodation units and a capacity of 23 people.
Address: Rua de Casal Paio - 4635-608 Várzea de Ovelha e Aliviada
E-mail: turismocastelogouveia@sapo.pt
Phone: 936515515
VisitMarco - discover Marco de Canaveses

VisitMarco - discover Marco de Canaveses

01 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2024
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