Apúlia Motorized Tour


The old windmills and the contructions in schist, vacation homes today, announce the beach of Apulia with "soft sand, the calm sea, the waves caress, the plain covered with “milharaes” (...)", as José Augusto Vieira refers in his Minho Pintoresco.

The beach of Apulia today is primarily known as a zone of summer. Land of “Sargaceiros”, Apulia and its beach are "invaded" by systematically seaweed, kelp with the medicinal properties and also serves, when dry, as fertilizer for the fields.

Location: Esposende
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Cantinho d'Avó Guest house

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Quintinha da Caniçada

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Restaurante "Adega Do Agostinho"

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Cantinho d'Avô

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