House of Futebol Clube do Porto of Tabuaço


The village of Tabuaço has a space where all the fans of FC Porto of the county can meet, to socialize and support the great North club of Portugal, FC Porto.

This blue and white space for some time desired by the "dragons" of Tabuaço municipality, was inaugurated on February 12th, 2016, and serves as a local election for FC Porto live together and watch all the games of their heart club.

Altogether there are eleven members that compose the governing bodies of the association, being Srº Hugo Correia. the president, and has a few dozen members.

This community will allow its members and supporters of this great club, watch some games played by F.C.Porto at Dragon Stadium or when playing outside, organizing visits to stadiums to support, always, their beloved club.

For more information you can visit the official Facebook of the House of FC Porto Tabuaço:


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