Ponte de Pedra Gaia Restaurant

Vila Nova de Gaia
Description / Facilities

Elevated to the Douro and with the city of Porto as natural scenery, the Ponte de Pedra Gaia Restaurant brings to the table the best of the traditional flavours, accompanied by a wine list that will not leave indifferent the most demanding clients.

With three individual rooms, one of which for groups, proportionating total privacy, the Ponte de Pedra Gaia Restaurant can receive up to 140 people, in a distinct atmosphere and with superior quality service. The roast lamb and the different barbecue specialties are proposals that no one will resist.

With a consolidated experience in the field of catering industry, the Ponte de Pedra Gaia Restaurant provides all kinds of services, from Christenings to Communions, passing through birthday parties, gatherings or business lunches.

It still has a pleasant exterior space with multiple occupation potentialities. Situated in the Candal area, close to the Devesas roundabout, the Ponte de Pedra Gaia Restaurant was made accordingly and waits now for your visit.
Address: Rua José Falcão, 467 - Candal 4400-192- Vila Nova de Gaia
E-mail: info@pontedepedragaia.com
Phone: 932753589

02 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024

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