Arcos de Valdevez
Restaurante Alto da Prova

Restaurante Alto da Prova

Opening Hours: 9h ? 16h / 18h ? 24h Capacity: 450 seats Specialities: Barrosã Steak Codfish...
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Cantinho da Gina Restaurant

Cantinho da Gina Restaurant

Monday to Sunday from 9am to 8pm.Specialties: Xanfana and Arroz de pato.
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Gallery of Arts and Crafts of Amares

The Gallery of Arts and Crafts, at Praça (Square) do Comércio, in Ferreiros, exposes throughout the year, an exhibition featuring all kinds of handicrafts...

“Casa” (Home) – A writer’s memory of “Tomaz de Figueiredo”

Tomaz de Figueiredo born, in 1902, being a few months old was brought to his grandparents? house, where he lived during his childhood and early youth....
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